Symphony No. 7
My View From Here

Track 01: My Neighbor, A Character Study

My Neighbor
Colorful, fun-loving and hard-working my neighbor was both a gifted ballroom dancer and a dairy farmer for whom success was dependent on dogged determination. In his younger days he would drive “over the hill” to Coconut Grove, a dancehall where old and young alike would gather to mix music and motion.
Rhythm was in his bones. As an adult he frequented weekend dances and loved to gather with family and friends to sing songs around the piano.
After serving in World War II he operated a dairy farm in a mountain valley with short summers and long winters, which he regularly referred to as “this godforsaken place.” With insolvency as an ongoing threat, dairy cows were an economic necessity. The never-ending, year-after-year cow-milker’s routine, however, would threaten anyone’s sanity.
Although a devout religious believer, his speech was peppered with barnyard profanity, and he sometimes skipped Sunday services, to bail hay on the Sabbath day.
The only way he could retire was to sell the farm, but farming was his way of life. He persevered in the profession into his advanced years, and had it not been for the intervention of mortality, would have stayed on indefinitely!
Track 02:
Procession of the Past
People we once knew...they're coming again
en masse

We are unforgettable!
(...and as irretrievable as we are irreplaceable.)

Track 03:
Let Them Love Now
Pervigilium Veneris (Vigil of Venus)
Alisa Larsen, Soprano

Let Them Love Now
Let them love now, who never loved before,
And they who always loved, now love the more.
As fair Dione to the myrtle grove
Calls her gay nymphs with song and tender love,
Though hastily they venture. should they go
While they have hearts and Cupid wears a bow?
A safe excursion is his mother's will;
He walks unarmed without designing ill;
His torch extinct, his quiver useless hung,
His arrows idle and his bow unstrung.
And yet, O nymphs beware—his eyes have charms—
They cast a spell that leads to loving arms!
The vernal father bid the Spring appear,
in clouds he coupled to produce the year,
The sap descending o'er her bosom ran,
And all the various sorts of soul began.
By means unknown to sight, by secret veins
Distilling life, the fruitful goddess reigns,
With fertile seed she filled the pervious earth,
And ever fixed the mystic ways of birth.
She paints the purple year with varied show,
Then tips the gem and makes the blossom glow.
She makes the turgid buds receive the breeze,
Expand to leaves, and shade the naked trees.
She gathers drops the misty nights diffuse
And sprinkles all the morn with balmy dews.
Bright trembling pearls depend at every spray,
though kept from falling seem to fall away
There Venus' plant remained in Venus' stead,
Upon it she had poured immortal red,
And with a kiss a sweet ambrosial smell
She taught forever on the leaves to dwell.
From gems, from flames, and from orient rays of light
The richest luster makes her radiant bright;
And she tomorrow weds; the sporting gale
Unties her zone, she bursts the verdant veil;
Through all her sweets the riffling lover flies,
And as he breathes her glowing fires arise!
Tomorrow let them love who never loved;
Tomorrow let them love who loved before.
Fresh spring has come, and sings her am’rous song;
The world is born anew, and vernal love
Drives birds to mate, and all the waiting woods
Unloose their tresses to the showers of spring.
Tomorrow let them love who never loved,
And let them love who loved before.
From the Pervigilium Veneris (Vigil of Venus)
Translated by Thomas Parnell
freely edited
Art work: Dance of the Nymphs and Cupid, Edouard

Track 04:
My Finale
J. S. Bach famously used the letters of his last name as the initial notes of a musical theme. I have done the same in the finale of this symphony. The notes C A begin a theme at one minute and 6 seconds into the movement. There are, of course, no L’s in musical notation.

Thor Call - Producer, Engineer
Elizabeth Cox
Hannah Kwong (soloist)
McKenna Taylor
Parker Gardner (soloist)
David Price
Marcel Bowman
Emily Brown (soloist)
Gina Conelly
Melissa Draper
Hanna Brown
Monika Rosborough-Bowman
Thor Call
Ambrynn Bowman
Elise Clark
Nathan Schaumann
Matt Shumway
Flute & Piccolo - Jeannine Goeckeritz
Oboe - Justin Torres, Bonnie Schroeder
Clarinet - Daron Bradford
Bassoon - Brian Hicks
French Horn - Brian BlanchardTrumpet - Shane TurnerTrombone - Spencer Jaarrett Alexis SmerdonBass Trombone - Zachary CrawfordTuba - Mike McCawley
Johannes Bowman
Percussion and Timpani
Matt Coleman
Soprano Vocal
Alisa Larsen
Video Editor
Kevin Call
Percussion recorded at Funk Studios by Stoker White.
Piano recorded at June Audio.